Sprinting will also raise the heart rate so it's important to not just rush into an area full of enemies, since you'll be immediately gunned down. Taking damage will obviously increase it to dangerous levels. Much like shooters of today, the game doesn't have a traditional health bar, but instead tracks the main character's health through a heart rate monitor on the bottom of the screen. As a second analog stick that rotates the camera in other games, it works perfectly, however precise aiming just doesn't always feel right. But I still stand by the fact that I don't think the New 3DS is well suited for shooters. I was able to pick off enemies with ease, and it actually felt quite good. Once I did that, the game become fully playable. However, the game lets you adjust the sensitivity, which I turned all the way down. Playing on the New 3DS, the C-stick was just far too sensitive, making my reticle jump around the screen instead of precisely focusing on enemies. The actual running and gunning in the game at first didn't feel good at all. Even though it's all basically copied from Gears, it does all work rather well here, so at least there's that. The game also heavily focuses on cover-based shooting, making sure you stay out of sight to regain health, and then pop out to pick off enemies. The game also sports an active reload system, where if you press the reload button at a specific time while the reload circle pops up, you'll have more ammo in your gun than with a standard reload. Maybe slightly less bulky than Marcus Fenix but similar none the less. Your character, first of all, looks like he'd been snatched out of the Gears universe. When I say the game borrows nearly every mechanic, I damn well mean it. And while that's not necessarily a bad thing, as Gears certainly did a lot of things right, many of them won't feel right, especially if you're not playing IronFall on a New 3DS or without a Circle Pad Pro. IronFall: Invasion unabashedly borrows nearly every single mechanic from Gears of War, and directly injects it into this handheld shooter. If Nintendo fans ever felt like they were deprived of a Gears of War-like experience on any of their current systems, then IronFall: Invasion will certainly fill that void… at least to a point.